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Travel Times

Die Stalle, President Brand Street, Bloemfontein

For years, the old stables behind the charming Old Presidency in the only street in SA declared a national monument, President Brand Street in Bloemfontein, stood ailing. Then energetic business dynamo Theunie Kloppers took over Die Stalle and unveiled a jewel of rural magic in the heart of the city.

Now, chairs and umbrellas grace the front patio, shaded by mopheads and frequented by tame albino guinea fowl. Inside, yesterday and today merge into a homeliness that makes the heart ache.

Succulent oxtail - with a choice of samp or rice - home-brewed ginger beer, skaapskenkels (mutton shanks), tripe and trotters, or the more sophisticated taste of a variety of quiches, served with home-baked brown bread and a mountain of salad.

Or the dish of the day, such as honey-laced pork, or traditional South African bobotie (curried mince), washed down with a selection of the finest South African wines at prices that are too affordable to miss...

Perhaps the chocolate mousse cake, milktart, fig tart or cheesecake and apple pie with cream for high tea or afters?

Little wonder that Theunie and partner Freda Lyon are now rated as the best in local cuisine that Bloemfontein has to offer.

Die Stalle, President Brand Street, Bloemfontein.

* Visit the Old Presidency, official residence of the Free State's last three presidents, after a meal at Die Stalle.

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